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    • DIGITAL UNIVERSITIES ASIA 2024 - Bali, Indonesia
    • CENTRAL ASIA UNIVERSITIES FORUM 2024 - Tashkent, Uzbekhistan
    • FUTURE SMART CITIES 2024 - Website

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    Keynote titles:

    • Geography 6.0 – The New Synthesis of Geopolitics and Geography
    • Geofusion – The Power of Geography and Mapping of the 21st Century
    • Geofuture: Eurasian Connectivity and Complex Sustainability
    • Towards a Long-term Sustainable Eurasian Growth
    • The Connected World – Future of Cities
    • Geopolitics from the Geographical Aspect: The Rise of Eurasian World Order
    • Maps That Change The World – The Power of Maps


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    Would you like to book a custom keynote?


    Available contexts:

    • Visual Geopolitics
    • Geography
    • Geopolitics, Geostrategy and Geoeconomics
    • International Geography and global economy
    • Future of geopolitics
    • Cities, smart cities, urban competitiveness
    • Sustainability and Eurasia
    • Connectivity and Complexity
    • Maps and geodesign
    • New education and innovation
    • Geotechnology and Geo-innovations



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    Large Events and Forums

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    Conference speaker

    • Future of Smart Cities Conference – Singapore (2020)
    • Asia-Europe Sustainable Connectivity Scientific Conference – Singapore (2017)
    • RSA Australasia 2019 - Regional Studies Association (New Zealand)
    • Future Education and Development Conference (People for Tomorrow Organisation Bangkok and Bali - 2018, 2019, 2020
    • AAG - American Association of Geographers Conference (San Francisco, Boston, New Orleans: 2016, 2017, 2018)
    • Education and Design Conference (AMPS: Architecture, Media, Politics and Society) – New York, USA (2019)
    • Claremont Eco Forum – International Dialogue for a Better World (2021, 2022, 2023)
    • Conference on Interdisciplinary Business & Economics Research (2019, 2022) – Seoul, South Korea
    • Eco-Civilization Forum and Conference – Jeyou – South Korea (2018)
    • Regional Studies Association (RSA) – Dublin, Trinity College (2018)
    • EUGEO (European Geography Association Conference) - Vision and strategy for a new geography – keynote (2015)
    • EUGEO Bruxelles, Belgium (2018)
    • New Geography Conference – Paris, France (2019)
    • AITINER - Annual International Conference on Geography, Athens, Greece (2018, 2019)
    • Creative Society and Creative Geography – Florence, Italy (2017)
    • The Future of Education International Conference Florence – Italy (2018, 2019)
    • Adaptation Future - South Africa, Cape Town (2018)
    • AMBA – Association of MBA – Global Conference – London, Budapest (2020), Business School Leader Forum
    • WCSA: World Complexity Science Academy – The Connectivity and Sustainability - Bruxelles, Belgium (2023)
    • Belt and Road Forum, New World Order Conference Budapest (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020)
    • Sharjah Research, Innovation and Technology Parc business event meeting, Sharjah (EAE) - The future of geography, geopolitics and innovation (2022)
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    GEOLECTURES – University Lectures

    • Shanghai Fudan University – Shanghai, China (2017, 2019)
    • Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok Thailand (2022)
    • Chulalongkorn University Bangkok, Thailand (2022)
    • Thai Diplomacy Academy, Bangkok, Thailand (2022)
    • Chiang Mai University – Geography Department, Chiang Mai, Thailand (2019)
    • National University of Singapore (NUS) – Singapore (2017)
    • NUS LKYPS – Lee Kuan Public School – Singapore (2018. March)
    • ASEF – Asia-Europe Foundation, Singapore (2018, 2021, 2023)
    • GRIPS – Tokyo, Japan (2018)
    • Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel (2018)
    • Hebrew University, Jerusalem (2018)
    • Beer Seva University, Israel (2018)
    • Sharjah American University – Sharjah, UAE (2023)

    Shanghai Forum, Belt and Road and Global Governance Conference, Young Global Thinkers Forum, Eurasia Forum Budapest, Boao Forum Hainan Island, Singapore World City Summit, First Asia -Europe Connectivity Forum, TEDxMetropolitan University Budapest...




    WHY GEO?

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    Because Geography is:

    • Economics (Geoeconomics)
    • Politics (Geopolitics)
    • Technology (Geotechnology)
    • Fusion (Geofusion)
    • Vision (Geovision)
    • Future (Geofuture)
    • Design (Geodesing and Mapping)
    • Destiny (Geography is Destiny)


  • Geography does matter! In order to understand the new changing world order, we must return to geography.”


    Let's get in touch! Would you like to read Norbert's books - or would you rather book him for your next event as a speaker or panelist? Write us and we will send you a complimentary copy of the book GeoFuture in PDF format!

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  • BC4LS Talks - Vol. 1.


    In the first volume of BC4LS Talks Norbert Csizmadia talks about geofusion, the importance of geography, and the relationship between complexity, connectivity, and sustainability.

    Eurasia Forum (2023)

    As one of the distinguished speakers of the Forum, Mr. Qiang Ni, Vice Governor of Hainan Provincial People’s Government kindly noted: “The Budapest Eurasia Forum has developed into an important platform of high-level professional dialogue for Eurasia to deepen cooperation and achieve fruitful outcomes.

    Ten Years of the Belt and Road: Success and New Challenges


    The BRI is a real win-win cooperation across - to the political stability, financial cooperation, trade and economic relationship across the people-to-people connection.

    GEOFUTURE - The Synthesis of Geopolitics and Geography

    The Center for the Study of Global Economic Futures (CSGEF) was established in Dubai, UAE in 2021. It is a multidisciplinary policy research organization to scrutinize the socioeconomic and systemic forces thatbear upon the future of the worldwide financial system. Their interview with Dr Norbert Csizmadia PhD examines the importance of sustainability, connectivity, and complexity, while exploring questions such as the meaning of the new world order; the importance of maps and geography in understanding world politics and the economy - and the significance of the new Eurasian age.

    The Map That Changed The World

    One would think that a map is quite exact, with really few variables. That is, after all, what makes it a great support when navigating!


    Norbert Csizmadia begs to differ - showing us why and how we need new maps, ones that still carry the wisdom and tools of the ancient, while equipped with the knowledge of today.


    Delivered at the TEDxMetropolitan University Budapest

    V. Dawn of Eurasia Conference (2023)

    The economic and political rise of the vast Eurasian continent is one of the most discussed and researched topics of the last decade in the field of international relations, geopolitics, and geoeconomics.


    As is so often the case with these concepts, the concept of Eurasia is interpreted in complex and diverse ways. At the same time, each new period brings with it the renewal of the institutional, political, and economic framework, which also means the redefinition of ideas, concepts, and goals.