The Future is Turquoise! (FUTURQUOISE)
- Turquoise Zones: New hotspots of quality of life, innovation, sustainability, wellbeing and happiness - the future zone ares, in my new global debates study about the geography of Turquoise Zones. 101 places to live well!
- The future is being born on our planet and it is turquoise! A symbol of viability, sustainability and a vision for the future. The meeting and fusion of the blue zones (oases of longevity) and the green zones (zones of biodiversity).
- Turquoise zones that are life-centred, inclusive and sustainable, innovative and creative. Turquoise Zones are the new creative meeting places for innovation, technology, sustainability, rebirth, creation, work, leisure and family.
- The Blue Zones (the oasis of longevity) of our planet identify areas where the average age of the population is over 100 years and groups of people who are ageing healthily. People living in Blue Zones have in common that they live in harmony with nature, value leisure and relaxation, but also work hard, walk a lot, have a purpose in life and know what they will wake up to each morning.
- The Green Zones of our planet are biodiversity hotspots, your key areas for global sustainability. Biodiversity is the inherent way in which living things and living nature exist. Biodiversity is our planet's natural capital. Biodiversity is essential to human well-being, providing services that underpin our economies and societies. Today, there are 36 areas on Earth that are most important for biodiversity.
- In many cultures, turquoise has been attributed with magical or healing properties.
- The colour turquoise includes the colours blue and green. Blue is the colour of water, oceans, seas, crystal clear mountain lakes, the sky, it is the colour of the universe. And green is the colour of land, of renewal, of forests, of fields, of nature, symbolising vitality and sustainability. Turquoise is both protective and innovative, healing and inspiring, a symbol of innovation and creativity, a blend of the old and the new.
- Turquoise is everywhere with us, all around us, unnoticed, invisible, but we feel its effects, making us feel better, more free and innovative, more joyful, because turquoise is also a symbol of good places.
- Additionally, if these places have the components of the turquoise zones (quality, health, gastronomy, sunshine, water, culture, wealth, happiness, innovation, creativity, universities, education, talents), they outline and stand for the turquoise zones of our planet, in the form of hot-spots or even contiguous zones, including 4% of our planet's land area, and representing 64% of sustainability and future viability.
- Because where we live is our choice, the fact that these places will be of particular importance in the future is also clear, but it is of paramount importance to maintain, protect and preserve these areas, because the future has begun, and the new centres of this future will be the turquoise zones!
Copyright by Norbert Csizmadia, 2023.