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    Norbert’s fields of study include economic strategy, geostrategy, geoeconomics, and geopolitics

    • Former State Secretary in charge of planning coordination for the Hungarian Ministry for National Economy


    • Former Executive Director of the Central Bank of Hungary


    • President of the Board of Trustees of Pallas Athene Domus Meriti Foundation (Innovation and Geopolitics)


    • President of the Board of Trustees of John von Neumann University Foundation.


    • President of the International Advisory Board of BC4LS (Budapest Center for Long-Term Sustainability)


    • Member of the International Advisory Board of the Fudan Institute of Belt and Road & Global Governance, Shanghai – China


    • Independent Director of the Bank of China Hungary.


    • Chief Editor of the Hungarian Geopolitics (HUG) magazine.


    •  Co-chair of the Geopolitical Department of the Hungarian Geographical Society
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  • A geographer, TEDx speaker, and keynote lecturer


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    GeoVision 2023

    Eurasia and Sustainability


    Strategic Studies and Articles


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    The Big Picture – The synthesis of geopolitics and geography – Connectivity Complexity – Sustainability

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    GeoFusion 2.0

    Towards a Long-Term Sustainable Eurasian Growth - PABOOKS, 2021


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    GeoFusion 2020

    World Scientific Publishing, Singapore – 2020

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    GeoFusion 2019

    LID Publishing London, New York - 2019

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    GeoFusion 2018

    L'Harmattan, 2018

  • “Geofusion is a remarkable book on the changing relevance of geography and location in the modern age. In this masterful account of the world we live in today, the tangible and the intangible, the real and the virtual are beautifully mapped in their ever-changing roles. Norbert Csizmadia’s book is the closest thing I have yet seen to an ‘overview of planet Earth’ in portable, accessible and highly readable form. Warmly recommended.”


    Simon Anholt,

    Founder, Good Country;

    Honourable Professor, University of East Anglia;

    independent policy advisor to heads of state and CEOs; author and researcher


    Let's get in touch! Would you like to read Norbert's books - or would you rather book him for your next event as a speaker or panelist? Write us and we will send you a complimentary copy of the book GeoFuture in PDF format!

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